Meet the Captains

Lee Grayson

- Club Captain 2024-25 -

Captains Welcome

On behalf of everyone at Tynemouth Golf Club we extend a very warm welcome to both our members and visitors alike.
It is our privilege and honour to be Captains for the year 2024/25 and to play our full part in ensuring all enjoy the excellent facilities both playing and socially available at our wonderful club.

The face of golf is changing throughout the world and in the UK. New rules and innovations came into effect in 2019 and a new World Handicap System in late 2020, with the aim of making the game more enjoyable for all.

Innovations such as speed golf, mixed competitions, easier playing/fun options are to be encouraged and with the help and support of all members from the most senior to most junior we feel sure that the club will move forward with success.

TGC is one of the most attractive "parkland courses" in the North East. This par 70, 18-hole course is situated minutes from the beautiful village of Tynemouth, recently voted one of the best villages to visit in the country. The course offers a very fair challenge to all levels of golfer and the course record of 64 shows that to any golfer it is not as simple as it first appears.

Planned level of improvements at the club are continuing and its environs will continue to remain in good condition at all times of the year. Our paths have been upgraded in early 2024, with some future works for our bunkers and drainage in the pipeline. We now have the addition of our brilliant new outside terrace which has proved extremely popular throughout the summer with both members and visitors. We regularly have a variety of popular social events throughout the year.. We also hope to further improve our clubhouse over the next few years.

Membership is thriving at every level from new starters, juniors, low handicap to senior golfers. We are very well represented at County and Regional level, in multiple leagues from Junior to Senior.

Our professional John McKenna, oversees our adult "academy" for beginners, to develop and encourage new golfers to enjoy the game and our Club. John also has a thriving junior academy which is very popular with both girls and boys of all ages.

Best Regards and enjoy your golf.

Lee Grayson Club Captain

Lynne Burns Ladies Section Captain

Alan Higginbottom Seniors Section Captain.